BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20240809T070000Z DTEND:20240809T090000Z DTSTAMP:20240814T002122Z URL:/events/metal-additive-manufacturing-application-of- physical-metallurgy-concepts/ SUMMARY:Metal Additive Manufacturing: Application of Physical Metallurgy Co ncepts DESCRIPTION:Join the seminar “Metal Additive Manufacturing: Application o f Physical Metallurgy Concepts” on Aug. 9\, Friday\, 3 p.m.\, at the UP Diliman Department of Mining\, Metallurgical\, and Materials Engineering ( DMMME) Conference Room and via Zoom.\n\nTo join via Zoom\, register at htt ps:// or scan the QR code on the poster.\n\nThis is the second lecture of Clodualdo Aranas Jr.\, PhD\, a UP Diliman Balik S cientist and an associate professor at the University of New Brunswick\, C anada. It is part of the “Balik Scientist Program Seminar and Workshop S eries: Advanced Manufacturing of Metallic Materials” of the DMMME.\n\n[c aption id="attachment_51973" align="alignleft" width="800"] Image from the UP Diliman Department of Mining\, Metallurgical\, and Materials Engineeri ng Facebook page[/caption] ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Me tal-Additive-Manufacturing-e1722933555630.jpg END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR